Treating Varicose Veins with


What is VenaSeal™ treatment for varicose veins?

VenaSeal™ treatment is a minimally invasive treatment that is sometimes referred to as “superglue” treatment. It closes the main vein in the leg (the great saphenous vein - GSV) and any surrounding superficial truncal veins.

A tiny incision is made at the treatment site to access the vein and then ultrasound is used to guide a very fine catheter tube into the diseased area.  The VenaSeal™ dispenser delivers a small amount of specially-formulated medical glue, developed by Sapheon, to permanently seal the unhealthy vein and prevent blood flowing through so that the vein is destroyed. The dead vein is then slowly absorbed by your body with the blood redirected to nearby healthy veins in your leg.

Treatment is performed in a clinical environment, following a detailed consultation and physical examination to assess your suitability for treatment and to check for venous insufficiency. Details of the procedure, recovery, potential outcomes and cost will be explained in full.

How soon will I
notice results?

It can depend on the size and number of varicose veins, together with your general medical condition but relief from symptoms and appearance is usually rapid. It can take a few month for the vein to completely shrink before your body gets rid of it naturally.

A VenaSeal™ treatment session lasts around 30 minutes for each leg.

How long does VenaSeal™ glue treatment last?

VenaSeal™ is an innovative varicose veins treatment that has been shown to have a high rate of success.

Please bear in mind that new varicose veins can develop, for instance due to hormonal changes, pregnancy, weight gain or if you are on your feet all day at work. 

A follow-up appointment approximately four weeks after treatment is recommended.

How safe is VenaSeal™ treatment for varicose veins?

Studies have found VenaSeal™ to have a low risk of complications. Treatment is carried out under local anesthetic, requiring just one injection. The medical-grade glue solution is tumescent-free, so any swelling is minimal.

Some patients may experience mild to moderate pain for one to two weeks afterwards.

You can return to your normal activities right away and there is no need to wear compression stockings (though some patients may benefit from doing so). You should avoid vigorous exercise and long haul flights for two to four weeks.

Experience the
difference with Vein MD

When treating varicose veins, it is vital to ensure that there are no underlying health problems.

At Vein MD, we take a holistic approach to ensure the correct treatment through the highest standards of technology and clinical care.

You will receive a detailed consultation by a vascular surgeon to assess the appropriate treatment regime in a tailored plan. This may include having ultrasound to check for venous insufficiency.

Schedule your
consultation today.

At veinMD, we provide both in-person and virtual consultations by our highly qualified vascular surgeons, while treatments and procedures take place at a veinMD center.

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