Varicose Veins

Varicose veins are a common condition, especially if you’re over 40. They are twisted purple veins that can become larger and more swollen over time, in an unsightly network.

Varicose veins can cause itchiness, pain and discomfort and even lead to more serious problems. Thankfully, there are several treatment options for successful results including vascular surgery.

What causes
varicose veins?

Varicose veins are enlarged bulging veins that are usually more than three millimeters in diameter, and are easily felt under the skin.

They occur when valves inside veins stop working as they should. In healthy veins, blood flows smoothly to the heart through valves in a one-way system. If valves are weak or damaged, blood can’t flow properly (a problem known as venous insufficiency) and will accumulate inside the vein. The faulty vein will then swell and continue to enlarge under the pressure of gravity, appearing lumpy and twisted.

This is why varicose veins are more likely to be present in your legs because walking and standing for a long time allows blood to pool instead of flowing efficiently.

Varicose veins can worsen slowly and progressively: the disease can eventually result in skin damage, leg ulcers or even a blood clot if left untreated.  

What are the
risk factors?

Genetics: a history of varicose veins in your family can play a role in your likelihood of developing them too.

Increased estrogen hormones: hormonal changes, such as when pregnant or on the contraceptive pill, can cause vein walls to thin. Pregnant women often develop varicose veins in the first trimester: the higher volume of blood and the extra weight put on the legs increase pressure on the blood vessels.

Age: varicose veins tend to increase in frequency as we get older because the valves in our veins weaken over time.

Lack of physical activity, heavy lifting, prior vein clots and obesity can also cause varicose veins.

What are the symptoms
of varicose veins?

● Aching, tired, heavy legs
● Swollen feet and ankles
● Throbbing in your legs
● Cramps in your lower legs, especially at night

Experience the
difference with Vein MD

Rosacea is often regarded as a cosmetic condition yet it can be underdiagnosed. If rosacea is left untreated, the redness and swelling may worsen and permanent skin damage may occur. These prominent thread veins can lead to embarrassment and affect self-confidence.

At Vein MD, we take a holistic approach to ensure the correct treatment through the highest standards of technology and clinical care.

You will receive a detailed consultation by a vascular consultant to assess the appropriate treatment regime in a tailored plan.

Treatment for
Varicose Veins

At Vein MD, varicose veins are treated with EVLT (Endovenous laser ablation therapy), VenaSeal™ or foam sclerotherapy (vein injections). The treatments are minimally invasive and you can return to your day-to-day activities right away.

Learn more:
Endovenous Laser Ablation Therapy
Foam Sclerotherapy (Vein Injections)

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