Spider Veins

Spider veins, also known as telangiectasias and thread veins, are small, skinny veins that appear on the skin’s surface in a web-like pattern. They can happen any where on the body but are usually seen on the face or legs, and are more common in women than men. 

Treatment is quick and non-invasive, with permanent results.

What causes
Spider Veins?

As the name suggests, spider veins are clusters of small dilated blood vessels just under the surface of the skin, and are roughly one to three millimeters in diameter.  

They occur when valves inside veins stop working as they should. In healthy veins, blood flows smoothly to the heart through valves in a one-way system. If valves are weak or damaged, blood can’t flow properly and will accumulate inside the vein. The vein branches out into thin visible threads, usually on the face and legs, which can be blue, red or purple. 

These broken capillaries are not usually painful or harmful, but they are unsightly in appearance and can make you feel self-conscious.

What is the difference between spider veins and varicose veins??

Spider veins and varicose veins are both forms of venous insufficiency (when there is a problem with how blood flows from your veins to your heart), yet the conditions have different symptoms. Varicose veins are twisted purple veins that can become larger and more swollen over time, and are usually found on the legs and feet.

What are the
risk factors?

Genetics: a history of telangiectasia in your family can play a role in your likelihood of developing them too. 

Increased estrogen hormones:
for example, if pregnant or on the contraceptive pill because hormonal changes can cause vein walls to thin. Pregnant women have a higher volume of blood and the extra weight put on the legs increases pressure on the blood vessels. Spider veins may disappear once hormone levels return to normal post-pregnancy. 

exposure to UV rays can break down collagen in our skin more quickly and lead to broken blood vessels. 

thread veins tend to increase in frequency as we get older because the valves in our veins weaken over time.

What are the symptoms
of spider veins?

● Itching  
● Aching or burning (with leg spider veins)

Experience the
difference with Vein MD

Even though rosacea treatment is a cosmetic procedure, it is important that laser treatment is conducted by a qualified practitioner.

At Vein MD, we take a holistic approach to ensure the correct treatment through the highest standards of technology and clinical care.

You will receive a detailed consultation by a vascular surgeon to assess the appropriate treatment regime in a tailored plan. This may include having ultrasound to check for venous insufficiency.

Treatment for
Spider veins

At Vein MD, superficial spider veins can be removed safely and effectively – with minimal downtime – by laser treatment or sclerotherapy (vein injections).

YAG laser treatment is usually preferable for treating smaller telangiectasias on the face, and sclerotherapy for large areas of thread veins on the legs. Sclerotherapy may also be more suitable for patients with darker skin tones.

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